The University of Queensland’s Faculty of Medicine has acknowledged excellence and innovation across its education programs.The Faculty has presented awards at its annual Teaching and Learning Showcase, at a ceremony at the Mayne Medical School on UQ’s Herston campus. The School of Biomedical Sciences had a notable success in these awards.
Awards for Teaching Excellence by SBMS Staff
Prasad Chunduri (School of Biomedical Sciences)
Prasad Chunduri is continually evolving his course for better student outcomes through the development, and scholarly evaluation, of many learning activities, resources, assessment and feedback. Including active learning workshops similar to a flipped classroom model, workshops that address specific deficiencies in first year students (e.g. bridging the gap between students' and academics' expectations of the depth of understanding required of biological concepts), learning resources such as MathBench, which improves students' quantitative skills, as well as technology-led advancements for quick, rich and personalised feedback to large classes.
Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning by SBMS Staff
Enhancement of Anatomy Learning in the Doctor of Medicine Program
Vaughan Kippers, Peter Wragg, Peter Landy, Yacoomb Omar, Kristy Weir and Louise Ainscough (School of Biomedical Sciences)
The team has enhanced teaching and learning in anatomy and histology in Phase I of the MD Program and ensured coherent integration with related disciplines including physiology, pathology and clinical practice. Students have positively embraced the introduction of practical examinations, with the combination of teaching approaches, formative assessment opportunities and practical assessments resulting in enhanced learning experiences and higher than expected academic standards for students.
Citations for Outstanding contribution to Student Learning by SBMS Staff
Mary-Louise Manchadi (School of Biomedical Sciences)
For designing engaging lectures, practicals and ‘supported uncertainty’ experiences that enable students’ in-depth theoretical and practical education in interdisciplinary biomedical science courses.
Tutors, Clinical, Research or Professional Practice Supervisors Award by SBMS Staff
Judit Kibedi (School of Biomedical Sciences)
For overseeing the activities of up 1500 science students and 25 tutors per year, with a pedagogical approach that centres on mentorship to drive student’s positive perceptions of the learning environment, journey of learning and inspiration to grow.
Early Career Citation Awards by SBMS Staff
Tracey Langfield (School of Biomedical Sciences)
For implementing student self-regulation activities to create a supportive and collaborative learning environment to guide undergraduate students through the transition from school to university. Tracey’s physiotherapy experience renders her the ability to apply anatomy knowledge to patient examples emphasising the critical relevance of anatomy to future, evidence-based health professionals.
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