Dr Peter Kozulin

Peter received a Master of Optometry from the University of Melbourne in 2006 and a PhD in primate visual system development from ANU in 2010. Following this he was awarded a CJ Martin fellowship by the NHMRC and undertook postdoctoral research in France and Brisbane investigating the role of guidance factors underlying mammalian hindbrain formation, and the evolution of molecular processes that control mammalian cortical development. Following his long-standing interest in the burgeoning field of high throughput transcriptomic and genomic sequencing, Peter completed a Master of Bioinformatics at the University of Queensland in 2019 and now applies these computational skills to better understand system-level processes driving neurodevelopment. He is currently working on two projects using comparative transcriptomics to investigate the different patterns of cortical neuronal birth and connectivity between the developing brains of marsupials and placental mammals. In his spare time Peter loves to spend time with his family.
Twitter: @PeterKozulin
ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7872-9884
Linkedin: https://au.linkedin.com/in/peter-kozulin-87897225
Peter is part of the Suarez group which studies brain evolution and development, and the Fenlon Group which studies Cortical development, plasticity and evolution.
Researcher biography
I am a developmental neuroscientist and bioinformatician interested in the molecular evolution of the mammalian brain. I completed a PhD on the molecular development of vasculature in the primate retina at the Australian National University, followed by a postdoctoral position at the Institut de la Vision in France that was supported by a NHMRC CJ Martin fellowship, where I investigated the role of guidance factors in the formation of commissural neurons within the mammalian hindbrain. My current research focuses on the development and evolution of the mammalian forebrain, in particular understanding the regulatory mechanisms and molecular evolutionary processes that control specification of cortical neuron subtypes.