Significant progress has been made on a multi-million dollar upgrade of facilities in The University of Queensland’s School of Biomedical Sciences.

The works, worth an estimated $12 million, include refurbishment and investment projects at UQ’s St Lucia campus.
Acting Head of School Professor Kaye Basford said the Sir William Macgregor Building would receive substantial additions to teaching and research facilities.
“This will include state-of-the-art PC2 laboratories and a purpose-built facility for pharmacokinetic research on level four,” Professor Basford said.
“On level one the entire floor will be refurbished to create an informal student learning area and a 180-seat undergraduate teaching laboratory.”
This project is slated to begin in July, and should be completed in time for second semester next year.
Professor Basford said new service laboratories being constructed on level two of the Skerman building are nearing completion.
“These laboratories will serve as dedicated spaces for the school’s imaging and analytical facilities and histology services,” Professor Basford said.
“They will also be used by Honours and HDR students for training in advanced imaging, tissue preparation, slide production and histochemical staining, and high end analytical and PCR techniques.”
Upgrade works are also nearing completion at the Otto Hirschfield building, including new offices, air-conditioning system and staff amenities on level four.
Major external renovations have been undertaken, with scaffolding expected to be removed from 25 May.
Professor Basford said further projects planned for the Otto Hirschfield building later this year and in 2018 will upgrade the gross anatomy facility.