Bachelor of Advanced Science (Hons)
I studied Advanced Science with the aim to become a researcher. My main interests are nutrition and energy metabolism. I am particularly interested in understanding the importance of key micronutrients like vitamin B12 and selenium during pregnancy, and the consequences poor intake of these micronutrients has on pregnancy outcomes and programmed disease in offspring. I completed my Honours project with Dr James Cuffe, studying the link between vitamin B12 deficiency and diabetes mellitus in a rat model. When we started collaborating with Karin, I became even more fascinated about the biochemistry of energy metabolism in the body and brain. Working as a technician for the lab was highly rewarding, as I was able to learn a lot and contribute to the development of future potential metabolic therapies for epilepsy. Karin inspired my interest in the use of dietary therapies to treat metabolic disorders, something I am now extremely passionate about. In 2022, I participated and presented a poster at the 4th ISN-JNC International Flagship School, where Karin was a presenter and mentor. At the meeting, I made many new international friends among young and established researchers across the globe, and there is now a publication in preparation. During this trip to Europe, I also visited the laboratory of our collaborator Associate Professor Blanca Aldana in Copenhagen to learn a new technique.