Dr Kylie Tucker heads the motor control and pain research lab.

Researcher biography

Professor Kylie Tucker leads a positive research environment, where exceptional basic science and clinical researchers come together to advance knowledge about muscles and movement control. Her work has transformed our understanding of how pain impacts movement; showcased methods for estimating muscle forces; and advanced the assessment of childhood movement control and adolescent skeletal maturity. Recently, Kylie has drawn on her fundamental science knowledge to propose a shift in our understanding of the potential drivers of scoliosis progression. Approximately one child in every Australian classroom, and 3-7% world-wide, will develop adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. There is no known cause, nor strong evidence to determine when or where to target non-invasive treatment. Each year in Queensland >200 adolescents have up to 12 vertebrae fused as conservative treatment has not stopped their curve progression. Her group have identified unique, targetable muscle features, that can be non-invasively detected early in curve progression.

In parallel to her research, Kylie teaches about muscles and movement control across 10 UQ programs, where class size ranges from 70-1400 students. She is the Director of Teaching and Learning for the School of Biomedical Science (2024- ), where she influences teaching outcomes across numerous disciplines. Kylie co-facilitates UQ's flagship Career Progression for Women program (2024- ), and intentionally fosters a supportive academic culture, empowering academics in their pursuit of excellence, across all her roles. She is also the President of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK); a global organization composed of 375 members in health-related and basic science fields with a common desire to study human movement and the neuromuscular system. Kylie has contributed to the leadership of this society since 2018.