Project: Correlations of human facial soft tissue thickness with body mass in sub-adults and adults as revealed by lateral radiographs and MRI
Journal Articles
Hona, Te Wai Pounamu T. and Stephan, Carl N. (2023). Global facial soft tissue thicknesses for craniofacial identification (2023): a review of 140 years of data since Welcker’s first study. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 138 (2) s00414-023-03087-x, 519-535. doi: 10.1007/s00414-023-03087-x
Hona, Te Wai Pounamu T., Horsham, Caitlin, Silva, Carina V., Lawn, Craig, Sanjida, Saira, Gillespie, Nicole, Soyer, H. Peter, Janda, Monika and ACEMID group (2023). Consumer views of melanoma early detection using 3D total-body photography: cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Dermatology, 62 (4), 524-533. doi: 10.1111/ijd.16578
Hona, Te Wai Pounamu T. and Stephan, Carl N. (2022). Cephalometric landmark standards and recent trends in craniofacial identification (2018-22): avoiding imposters by describing variant landmarks as supplemental. Forensic Imaging, 31 200525, 1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.fri.2022.200525
Hona, Te Wai Pounamu T., Byrd, John E. and Stephan, Carl N. (2022). Infracranial radiographic comparison for human identification: a study of image quality and tissue shielding effects. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 67 (3), 854-867. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14961
Hona, Te Wai Pounamu T., Olditch, Chelsea, Byrd, John E. and Stephan, Carl N. (2021). Infra‐cranial radiographic comparison for human identification: a study of analyst expertise. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 66 (6), 2126-2137. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.14863
Laakso, E-Liisa, Hona, Te Wai Pounamu Telena, Gabrielli Vassão, Patrícia and Griffin, Alison (2021). Effect of transcutaneous radial artery photobiomodulation on continuous measures of interstitial glucose in a single subject: a brief report. Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery, 39 (10), 637-641. doi: 10.1089/photob.2021.0012
Research Report
Hona, Telena, Neale, Rachael, Antrobus, Jodie, Horsham, Caitlin and Janda, Monika (2023). Skin Cancer Prevention Queensland: Sunscreen Industry Forum Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Skin Cancer Prevention Queensland and The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/3d35dc1