Emeritus Professor Maree Smith

Researcher biography
Emeritus Professor Maree Smith AC FTSE FAHMS is a full-time researcher and Director, CIPDD, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland.
In the 12 years prior to her current appointment, Professor Smith led a high-performing team in building the CIPDD and its commercial interface TetraQ, recognized as a unique, GLP-accredited drug development Centre in Australia. Professor Smith has considerable expertise in biomedical discovery/translation with specialist expertise in the novel pain therapeutics discovery/translation field encompassing a portfolio of 16 rodent pain models that mimic individual human pain conditions. This portfolio of models conducted in a purpose-built facility operated in accordance with the requirements of our Quality Management System, making the CIPDD unique in Australia and rare internationally.
In the 15 years prior to establishing the CIPDD, Professor Maree Smith was a full-time academic in the School of Pharmacy. In brief, she joined the School of Pharmacy as a Lecturer in 1989 and was successively promoted through the academic ranks to Professor in 2004. Prior to that she undertook a PhD and early postdoctoral training in clinical pharmacology with specialist expertise in bioanalytical method development, bioanalysis of human plasma samples, drug metabolism and clinical pharmacokinetics. Her second postdoc was in the field of pain management and pain pharmacology.
In the years, 1990-2005, Maree Smith taught in the Drug Discovery stream of the 2nd, 3rd & 4th years of the undergraduate Pharmacy program and she was instrumental in developing innovative courses for the final year of the undergraduate Pharmacy curriculum. She was also instrumental in the development of a course for the M Biotech program at UQ entitled "Quality Systems in Biotechnology" which continues to this day and is a compulsory course in the Program. Maree has successfully advised/co-advised to completion 33 PhD students, 2 Research Masters students and ~50 Honours students. She also served for 14 years as an external evaluator for the TGA.
Maree's Current Research Interests are as follows:
1. Subtle differences in the pathobiology of individual chronic pain conditions
2. Improving preclinical to clinical translation in novel analgesics development
3. Preclinical drug development of novel pain therapeutics
4. Preclinical drug development
2021 UQ Fellowship
2019 Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) in the Queen's Birthday Honours List
2018 Honorary Bragg Membership (The Royal Institution of Australia)
2016 Bowl of Hygeia Award (Pharmaceutical Society of Australia)
2016 Clunies Ross Knowledge Commercialisation Award (ATSE)
2015 Honoured to be included in inaugural list of Australia's top Innovators; viz Knowledge Nation 100
2015 Inaugural Inductee into the Life Sciences Queensland (LSQ) Hall of Fame
2015 Johnson and Johnson Innovaton AusBiotech Industry Excellen Award - Outstanding Leader category.
2015 Elected Fellow, Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (AAHMS)
2015 Australian Pain Society Distinguished Member Award - For services to the promotion, treatment and science of pain management and lifelong contribution to the Australian Pain Society
2013 UQ Top 5 Inventor - Award by Thomson Reuters and UQ at inaugural Awards
2013 UQ Top 5 Innovator - Award by UniQuest Pty Ltd and UQ at inaugural Awards
2012 Queensland Life Sciences Industry Excellence Award jointly with Dr Jim Aylward
2011 Elected Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences (ATSE)
2009 Honorary Fellowship, Faculty of Pain Medicine, ANZCA (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists).
2008 WiT (Women in Technology): Biotech Outstanding Achievement Award
2002 Meritorious Mention for Sustained Excellence in Research Higher Degree Supervision
2001 Meritorious Mention for Sustained Excellence in Research Higher Degree Supervision