Abernethy, Bruce, Kippers, Vaughan, Hanrahan, Stephanie J., Pandy, Marcus G., McManus, Alison M. and Mackinnon, Laurel (2013). Biophysical foundations of human movement. 3rd ed. Champaign IL, United States: Human Kinetics.
Aland, R. C., Babri, S., Bennett, S., Colbrook, P., Callaway, L. K., Fitzgerald, J. R., Forbes, K., Hutchinson, A., Kippers, V., Knaggs, R., Landmann, J., Lewis, A., McGill, J., McPhee, B., Mitchell, C., Moore, D., Ozolins, I., Rego, P., Schafer, J., Spooner, A., Thornton, E., Turner, J., Walker, P., WIlkinson, D. and Wood, W. (2008). School of Medicine clinical skills program handbook. Brisbane, Qld, Australia: School of Medicine, The University of Queensland.
Abernethy, A.B., Hanrahan, S.J., Kippers, V., Mackinnon, L. T. and Pandy, M.G. (2005). The biophysical foundations of human movement. 2nd ed. Champaign, IL, USA: Human Kinetics.
Abernethy, B., Mackinnon, L. T., Neal, R. J., Kippers, V. and Hanrahan, S. J. (1996). Biophysical foundations of human movement. 1st ed. Melbourne: Macmillan.
Book Chapter
Stephan, Carl N., Caple, Jodi M., Veprek, Andrew, Sievwright, Emma, Kippers, Vaughan, Moss, Steve and Fisk, Wesley (2017). Complexities and remedies of unknown-provenance osteology. Commemorations and memorials: exploring the human face of anatomy. (pp. 65-95) edited by Goran Å trkalj and Nalini Pather. Singapore, Singapore: World Scientific. doi: 10.1142/9789813143159_0006
Journal Articles
Papinczak, Tracey, Peterson, Raymond F., Babri, Awais Saleem, Ward, Kym, Kippers, Vaughan and Wilkinson, David (2012). Using student-generated questions for student-centred assessment. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 34 (4), 439-452. doi: 10.1080/02602938.2010.538666
Papinczak, Tracey, Babris, A.S., Peterson, Ray, Kippers, Vaughan and Wilkinson, David (2011). Students generating questions for their own written examinations. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 16 (5), 703-710. doi: 10.1007/s10459-009-9196-9
Engstrom, C. M., Walker, D. G., Kippers, V. and Mehnert, A. J. H. (2007). Quadratus lumborum asymmetry and L4 Pars injury in fast bowlers: A prospective MR study. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39 (6), 910-917. doi: 10.1249/mss.0b013e3180408e25
Coppieters, M. W., Alshami, A. M., Babri, A. S., Souvlis, T., Kippers, V. and Hodges, P. W. (2006). Strain and excursion of the sciatic, tibial, and plantar nerves during a modified straight leg raising test. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 24 (9), 1883-1889. doi: 10.1002/jor.20210
Ettema, Gertjan J. C., Taylor, Emma, North, J. David and Kippers, Vaughan (2005). Muscle synergies at the elbow in static and oscillating isometric torque tasks with dual degrees of freedom. Motor Control, 9 (1), 59-74. doi: 10.1123/mcj.9.1.59
Ng, J. K. F., Parnianpour, M., Kippers, V. and Richardson, C. A. (2003). Reliability of electromyographic and torque measures during isometric axial rotation exertions of the trunk. Clinical Neurophysiology, 114 (12), 2355-2361. doi: 10.1016/S1388-2457(03)00249-9
Ng, JKF, Parnianpour, M, Richardson, CA and Kippers, V (2003). Effect of fatigue on torque output and electromyographic measures of trunk muscles during isometric axial rotation. Archives of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, 84 (3), 374-381. doi: 10.1053/apmr.2003.50008
Ng, Joseph K.F, Richardson, Carolyn A., Kippers, Vaughan and Parnianpour, Mohamad (2002). Comparison of lumbar range of movement and lumbar lordosis in back pain patients and matched controls. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 34 (3), 109-113. doi: 10.1080/165019702753714129
Ng, Joseph K.-F., Richardson, Carolyn A., Parnianpour, Mohamad and Kippers, Vaughan (2002). Fatigue-related changes in torque output and electromyographic parameters of trunk muscles during isometric axial rotation exertion - An investigation in patients with back pain and in healthy subjects. Spine, 27 (6), 637-646. doi: 10.1097/00007632-200203150-00013
Ng, J. K. F., Richardson, C. A., Parnianpour, M. and Kippers, V. (2002). EMG activity of trunk muscles and torque output during isometric axial rotation exertion: a comparison between back pain patients and matched controls. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 20 (1), 112-121. doi: 10.1016/S0736-0266(01)00067-5
Ng, J. K. F., Kippers, V., Parnianpour, M. and Richardson, C. A. (2002). EMG activity normalization for trunk muscles in subjects with and without back pain. Medicine And Science In Sports And Exercise, 34 (7), 1082-1086. doi: 10.1097/00005768-200207000-00005
Ng, Joseph K.-F., Parnianpour, Mohamad, Richardson, Carolyn A. and Kippers, Vaughan (2001). Functional roles of abdominal and back muscles during isometric axial rotation of the trunk. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 19 (3), 463-471. doi: 10.1016/S0736-0266(00)90027-5
Ng, J., Kippers, V., Richardson, C. A. and Parnianpour, M. (2001). Range of motion and lordosis of the lumbar spine. Spine, 26 (1), 53-60. doi: 10.1097/00007632-200101010-00011
McGill, Stuart M. and Kippers, Vaughan (1994). Transfer of loads between lumbar tissues during the flexion-relaxation phenomenon. Spine, 19 (19), 2190-2196. doi: 10.1097/00007632-199410000-00013
Kippers, Vaughan and Parker, Anthony W. (1989). Validation of single-segment and three-segment spinal models used to represent lumbar flexion. Journal of Biomechanics, 22 (1), 67-75. doi: 10.1016/0021-9290(89)90185-1
Conference Papers
Du Moulin, W., Kippers, V., Glen, C. and Brown, J.M.M. (2012). Development of fatigue within human rectus femoris muscle segments. Australian & New Zealand Association of Clinical Anatomists (ANZACA) 8th Annual Meeting, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, 8 - 9 Dec 2011. Hoboken, NJ, United States: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/ca.22049
Seidl, L., Kippers, V., Glen, C. and Brown, J.M.M. (2012). Segmental fatigue within human back extensor muscles during an asymmetrical rowing task. Abstracts Presented at the Australian and New Zealand Association of Clinical Anatomists (ANZACA) 8th Annual Meeting, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, 8 - 9 Dec 2011. Hoboken, NJ, United States: John Wiley & Sons. doi: 10.1002/ca.22049
Kippers, V., Rego, P., Hacking, C. and Aland, R. C. (2007). Medical students and anatomy teaching: what do they want?. Summer Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists, University of Padova, Italy, 16-17 July, 2007. New York: Liss. doi: 10.1002/ca.20536
Kippers, V., Hacking, C., Aland, C. and Rego, P. (2007). The clinical anatomy approach to teaching in a medical program.. Summer Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists, School of Medicine University of Padua, Italy, 16-17 July 2007. New York: Liss. doi: 10.1002/ca.20536
Kippers, V., Rego, P., Hacking, C. and Aland, R. C. (2007). Medical students and anatomy teaching-What do they want?. Summer Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists, University of Padova, Italy, 16-17 July, 2007. New York, U.S.A.: Liss. doi: 10.1002/ca.20536
Kippers, V., Rego, P., Hacking, C. and Aland, R. C. (2007). Medical students and anatomy teaching: what do they want?. Summer Meeting of the British Association of Clinical Anatomists, University of Padova, Italy, 16-17 July, 2007. Hoboken, NJ United States: Wiley. doi: 10.1002/ca.20536
Kelly, J. and Kippers, V. (2006). Tongue to Palate Contact Forces during Swallowing. Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Clinical Anatomists (ANZACA 2006): Making Connections, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Vic., 30 November-1 December 2006.
Kippers, V., Wilkinson, D., Ozolins, I. and Donald, K. (2006). The role of biomedical sciences in an integrated medical curriculum. ANZAME 2006 : ANZAME: The Association for Health Professional Education Conference 2006, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia, 29 June - 2 July, 2006. Association for Health Professional Education (ANZAME).
Bailey, R. J. and Kippers, V. (2006). Static Trunk Muscle Activity in a Range of Flexed-trunk Postures. The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Summer Meeting with a Symposium on the Anatomy of Exercise 2005, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, U.K., 5 - 7 July, 2005. London, U.K.: Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2006.00541.x
Aland, R. C. and Kippers, V. (2005). Human Biomedical Anatomy: A Dissection-based Anatomy Course for Science Students. 8th EACA Meeting, Palermo, Italy, 30 June-3 July 2005. Berlin: Springer International.
Kippers, V., Aland, R. C. and Gobe, G. (2005). The Change of Emphasis in First-year Anatomy Teaching. The University of Queensland School of Medicine Centre for Medical Education Symposium: Building Medical Education Research Strength, Herston, Brisbane, Qld., 18 May 2005. St. Lucia, Qld.: School of Medicine, The University of Queensland.
Aland, C., Harris, P. G., Bore, P. J. and Kippers, V. (2005). Reformatting of the Presentation of Second-year Anatomy Teaching. The University of Queensland School of Medicine Centre for Medical Education Symposium: Building Medical Education Research Strength, Herston, Brisbane, Qld., 18 May 2005. St. Lucia, Qld.: School of Medicine, The University of Queensland.
Aland, Rachel C. and Kippers, Vaughan (2005). Addressing Interindividual Variation within a Science Dissection-based Anatomy Course. ANZACA 2005: 2nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Clinical Anatomists, Dunedin, Otago, N.Z., 2-3 September 2005. Melbourne, Vic.: ANZACA.
Kippers, Vaughan and Aland, Rachel C. (2005). Integration of Anatomy within a PBL-based Hybrid Medical Curriculum. ANZACA 2005: 2nd Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Clinical Anatomists, Dunedin, Otago, N.Z., 2-3 September 2005. Melbourne, Vic.: ANZACA.
Kippers, V., O'Leary, S. and Watts, M. (2005). Student-produced powerpoint presentations as part of assessment in postgraduate courses. Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching and Learning Conference on Assessment, The College Playhouse, Women's College, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, 31 October 2005. St. Lucia, Qld.: Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Queensland.
Kippers, V. and Aland, R. C. (2005). Practical Anatomy in the First Year of a PBL-based Hybrid Curriculum. 9th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE), University of Southern California, California, U.S.A., 16-19 July 2005.
North, J. D., Kippers, V., Ettema, G. J. C. and Taylor, E. (2005). Muscle Synergies at the Knee in Static and Oscillating Isometric Torque Tasks with Dual Degrees of Freedom. The Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland Summer Meeting with a Symposium on the Anatomy of Exercise 2005, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, U.K., 5-7 July 2005. England: Blackwell Publishing. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7580.2006.00541.x
Kippers, V., Cool, S. and Aland, R. C. (2004). Teaching gross anatomy in a PBL-based medical curriculum. 16th International Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA 2004): Morphological Sciences as the Basis of New Life Science in the 21st Century, Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, 22-27 August 2004. Victoria: Blackwell Publishing Asia.
Kippers, V. and Boyes, R. (2004). Use of Plastinated Specimens in the Delivery of Satellite Anatomy Courses. 16th International Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA 2004): Morphological Sciences as the Basis of New Life Science in the 21st Century, Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, 22-27 August 2004.
Claus, Andrew, Hides, Julie, Moseley, G. Lorimer and Kippers, Vaughan (2004). Differential Activation of Lumbar Multifidus with Cognitive Contraction and Upright Postures: A Multifidus Manifesto. The University of Queensland School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Postgraduate Research Conference Day, Emmanuel College, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Qld., 14 July 2004. St. Lucia, Qld.: The University of Queensland.
Boyes, R. and Kippers, V. (2004). Dissections before, during and after plastination. 12th International Conference on Plastination, Departamento de Anatomia y Embryologia, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 11-16 July 2004. Macon, Ga., U.S.A.: International Society for Plastination.
Kippers, V., Babri, A. S. and Bennett, M. B. (2004). Morphometric analyses of collagen content in the peripheral nerves of the human lower limb. 16th International Congress of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA 2004): Morphological Sciences as the Basis of New Life Science in the 21st Century, Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, 22-27 August, 2004. Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing Asia.
Babri, A. S., Kippers, V. and Bennett, M. (2003). Longitudinal Excursion of Peripheral Nerves of the Human Lower Limb. 19th Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 6-11 July 2003. Dunedin, N.Z.: University of Otago.
Babri, S., Kippers, V. and Bennett, M. B. (2001). Length changes in lower limb peripheral nerves related to joint motion. 2001 Queensland State Conference Sports Medicine in the New Millennium, Coolum, Queensland, Australia, 23-25 March, 2001. Brisbane, Australia: Sports Medicine Australia (Queensland Branch).
Kippers, V. (2000). Sexual dimorphism in the adult foot. 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress; International Congress on Sport Science, Sports Medicien and Physical Education, Brisbane Convention Centre, 7-12 September, 2000. Brisbane:
Engstrom, C. M., Walker, D., Kippers, V. and Buckley, R. (2000). Quadratus lumborum asymmetry and pars interatricularis injury in cricket fast bowlers: A prospective MRI examination. International Congress on Sport Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education, Brisbane, 7-12 September 2000. Belconnen, ACT: Sports Medicine Australia.
Engstrom, C. M., Walker, D., Kippers, V., Hunter, J., Hanna, A. J. and Buckley, R. (1999). A prospective study on back injury and muscle morphometry in junior cricket fast bowlers. 5th IOC World Congress on Sport Sciences, Sydney, 31 Oct-5 Nov, 1999. Canberra: Sports Medicine Aust..
Taylor, E. A., Ettema, G. and Kippers, V. (1999). Muscular control of complex elbow movements. Queensland State Conference: Musculo-skeletal Injuries, Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation, Hyatt, Coolum, 1-3 May, 1999. Brisbane: Sports Medicine Aust. (Qld Branch).
North, J. D., Kippers, V. and Ettema, G. (1999). Muscular control of combined knee movements. Queensland State Conference: Musculo-skeletal Injuries, Prevention, Management & Rehabilitation, Hyatt, Coolum, 1-3 May, 1999. Brisbane: Sports Medicine Aust. (Qld Branch).
Kippers, V. and Ettema, G. (1999). Musculoskeletal constraints in motor control. Queensland State Conference: Musculo-skeletal Injuries, Prevention, Management & Rehabilitation, Hyatt, Coolum, 1-3 May, 1999. Brisbane: Sports Medicine Aust. (Qld Branch).
Dalgleish, M. and Kippers, V. (1999). Testing for flexor hallucis longus tendonitis - an anatomical rationale. Queensland State Conference: Musculo-skeletal Injuries, Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation, Hyatt, Coolum, 1-3 May, 1999. Brisbane: Sports Medicine Aust. (Qld Branch).
Kippers, V., Ettema, G., Taylor, E. A. and North, J. D. (1999). Muscular control of attempted movements at joints with two degrees of freedom. Fifth International Olympic Committee World Congress, Convention Cen., Darling Harbour, Sydney, 31 Oct - 5 Nov 1999. Canberra: Sports Medicine Aust..