Professor Maree Smith, Director of CIPDD will provide an overview of the  Centre,

Hosted by Professor Wally Thomas.

Emeritus Prof Maree Smith is a leading researcher internationally in discovery/ translation with particular expertise in the novel pain therapeutics field. She is inventor on several patented novel analgesics technologies, with one licensed in 2005 to the UQ spin-out company, Spinifex Pharmaceuticals, for commercialization. In mid-2015, Spinifex was acquired by Novartis and the drug candidate, EMA401, is in clinical development. Prof Smith also has expertise in deriving pharmacokinetic parameters from plasma drug concentration versus time data from animal and early phase human clinical trials. In the period, 2005-2017, whilst in the role of Executive Director, UQ Centre for Integrated Preclinical Drug Development (CIPDD), she led a high performing team to establish and grow the Centre and its industry engagement. In that period, Centre personnel undertook more than 700 contract-funded R&D studies in collaboration with >200 industry and academic collaborators in the biopharmaceutical sector.

About Research Seminar Series

UQ School of Biomedical Sciences Research Seminar Series

The School of Biomedical Sciences (SBMS) Research Seminar Series presents seminars by international and national researchers, local researchers, and postdocs.

Unless otherwise indicated, seminars are held  3.00 PM AEST every second Friday  Steele Building, Room 206