Associate Professor Stephen Anderson

Dr Stephen Anderson heads the animal endocrinology lab.
Researcher biography
Stephen is a physiologist with expertise in endocrinology and student learning. In laboratory research Stephen investigates the hormonal control of metabolism, growth, appetite, and reproduction - unravelling how hormones regulate physiological mechanisms in healthy individuals versus the dysfunction that occurs in disease states. Stephen also has a scholarly interest in metacognition of learning, self-regulation, and lifelong learning. He is currently examinining how students develop capabilities during their undergraduate studies to support their future professional roles.
Stephen has taught physiology to about 40,000 UQ students across biomedical science, animal and veterinary sciences, health science, exercise science, human movement and nutrition science, dentistry, pharmacy, speech pathology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and medical doctor programs. He has been the recipient of numerous teaching excellence awards, including a national ALTC Citation for Outstaning Contribution to Student Learning in 2009. In 2019 Stephen became Director of Teaching and Learning in the School of Biomedical Sciences. In 2020 he received a UQ commendation for service excellence and was recognised as Academic Leader of the Year within the UQ Faculty of Medicine.
PhD and MPhil Supervision
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