Congratulations to Associate Professor Jo Bowles, from UQ’s School of Biomedical Sciences (SBMS) who has won the Australia and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology (ANZSCDB) Emerging Leader Award for 2019.
The award is designed to encourage and support mid-career cell and developmental biologists who are at the stage of building independent careers in Australia or New Zealand.
This year’s award is shared between Associate Professor Bowles and Associate Professor Kate Schroder from UQ’s Institute for Molecular Biosciences (IMB).
Candidates were selected on the quality of their research and evidence of their ability to sustain an independent career.
Dr Bowles said receiving the award was a great honour for both her and her lab.
“This award is always hotly contested amongst the many excellent cell biologists and developmental biologists in the region.
“The award recognises not just my efforts and successes to date, but those of all members of Bowles lab,” she said.
The recognition comes just three years after Dr Bowles started her independent lab.
“I started my lab in 2016, when I moved from IMB to SBMS. This transition to independence is always a tricky step to negotiate in an academic career.
“This was only possible due to the Acting Head of School at the time, Professor Rod Minchin’s willingness to give me the opportunity, and Professor Brian Key freeing up some lab space for my team. I will always be grateful they had faith in me,” Dr Bowles said.
As the ANZSCDB Emerging Leader for 2019, Dr Bowles receives an award in addition to an invitation to deliver a symposium talk at the upcoming ANZSCDB national meeting in Adelaide.
The Emerging Leader Award was won by Associate Professor Mike Piper from the School of Biomedical Sciences in 2018.
Dr Jo Bowles heads the developmental reproductive biology group in UQ’s School of Biomedical Sciences.
Media: Associate Professor Jo Bowles, j.bowles@uq.edu.au, +61 7 3365 3056; Faculty of Medicine Communications, med.media@uq.edu.au, +61 7 3365 5118, +61 436 368 746.