Our lab is dynamic with some full-time staff, fabulous national and international collaborators and a large number of PHD, honours and undergraduate students who come and go depending on the project stage. Our team is ever-changing, so listing them would mean that this website would always be out of date!

Our lab is dynamic with some full-time staff, fabulous national and international collaborators and a large number of PHD, honours and undergraduate students who come and go depending on the project stage. Our team is ever-changing, so listing them would mean that this website would always be out of date!

Group Head

SBMS Collaborators


Dr Wolbert van den Hoorn
Senior Research Fellow
Queensland Univeristy of Technology

Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Senior Lecturer
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Dr Manuela Besomi
Research Fellow
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

PhD students

Projects can be viewed in the Projects tab.

PhD students previous